
You can find the latest news about Trappist® products, the International Trappist Association or the affiliated abbeys here.

Westmalle gets a brand new glass

Westmalle gets a brand new glass

Boa Vista (Brazil) chocolates receive the ATP label!

Boa Vista (Brazil) chocolates receive the ATP label!

Klaarland's Jams are now authorized to use the ATP label

Klaarland's Jams are now authorized to use the ATP label

Achel (BE)

Achel (BE)

Mont des Cats : New cheese: La Bourle Trappiste!

Mont des Cats : New cheese: La Bourle Trappiste!

Chimay:  Grande Réserve Barrique 2022:  a 100% Belgian edition!

Chimay: Grande Réserve Barrique 2022: a 100% Belgian edition!

Koningshoeven:  Brothers and Sisters !    Trappist beer and wine !     a unique combination!

Koningshoeven: Brothers and Sisters ! Trappist beer and wine ! a unique combination!

Chimay cheese : latest news

Chimay cheese : latest news

Klaarland : Bonding through a webshop?

Klaarland : Bonding through a webshop?

Chimay, the green one, the '150'

Chimay, the green one, the '150'

Westmalle extra now distributed more widely

Westmalle extra now distributed more widely

 The Brecht Trappistines developed a complete care line with Westmalle Dubbel as an ingredient

The Brecht Trappistines developed a complete care line with Westmalle Dubbel as an ingredient

History Rochefort triple Extra

History Rochefort triple Extra

Engelszell: New Trappist (r) beer: Zwickl!

Engelszell: New Trappist (r) beer: Zwickl!

Orval: visitor circuit renovated

Orval: visitor circuit renovated

Tynt Meadow Bread

Tynt Meadow Bread

Nasi Pani (CZ) chocolate has received authorization to use the ATP label

Nasi Pani (CZ) chocolate has received authorization to use the ATP label

Westmalle: Lost Monday ("Verloren Maandag")

Westmalle: Lost Monday ("Verloren Maandag")

Abbey O.L.V. from Nazareth (Brecht-BE) proposes new TRAPP-line

Abbey O.L.V. from Nazareth (Brecht-BE) proposes new TRAPP-line

The Trappist Rochefort 8 in 75 cl bottle is back in the spotlight!

The Trappist Rochefort 8 in 75 cl bottle is back in the spotlight!

Klaarland Priory: new production areas

Klaarland Priory: new production areas

A new ITA member : Nasi Pani (CZ)

A new ITA member : Nasi Pani (CZ)

Engelszell Trappist Weiße Hell  gets ATP-label

Engelszell Trappist Weiße Hell gets ATP-label

The IPA that combines American tradition with Italian creativity.

The IPA that combines American tradition with Italian creativity.

Artisanal Jam from Klaarland Priory

Artisanal Jam from Klaarland Priory

Chimay Brewery Solar Panels

Chimay Brewery Solar Panels

St. Joseph’s Abbey built 10 different solar arrays on its property

St. Joseph’s Abbey built 10 different solar arrays on its property

Sustainable production of electric power in the monastery of Engelszell.

Sustainable production of electric power in the monastery of Engelszell.

Westmalle's Brewery recycles one-third of the water

Westmalle's Brewery recycles one-third of the water

Orval's biomethanation project, integrated with their waste treatment plant

Orval's biomethanation project, integrated with their waste treatment plant

Trappistbeer Zundert 10 may carry the “Authentic Trappist Product” label

Trappistbeer Zundert 10 may carry the “Authentic Trappist Product” label

New Trappistbeer from the Abbey Mount Saint Bernard (UK)

New Trappistbeer from the Abbey Mount Saint Bernard (UK)

A new ITA-member: The Abbey of Port du Salut

A new ITA-member: The Abbey of Port du Salut














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